We are a group of 5 doctors from Galdakao and Bilbao (Basque Country – Spain) with a special sensitivity for the African continent´s situation, concretely for Angola, country to which we are narrowly vinculated after an experience as cooperants.
Our first trip to this african country was in 2014. Our objective was to asess the social and sanitary situation of the Hospital of Vouga located in the province of Bié, in the heart of Angola.
One of the worst problems that we have encountered during the 3 consecutive years of cooperation work is the great amount of gastrointestinal diseases that exist linked to the lack of potable water, being one of them of elevated mortality.
Therefore, we have decided not to remain arms crossed and to try to do something to improve this dramatic situation. Thus we have contacted the Association of international cooperation Coopera ONGD Euskadi, a consolidated non-governmental organization that until now has developed tasks on international cooperation and sensibilization in different countries of Southamerica and Africa.
Together with this association we have developed a project for the installation of a solar potable water treatment plant which will proportion the necessary amount of potable water to attend the hospital and the rural nearby populations surrounding it.
In this way, we would like to improve the quality of life of the hospitalized people and of the rural nuclei of population proximate to the hospital.